Saturday, February 16, 2013

New Mama Brain

Here are a couple of awesome things my tired brain has said in the past couple weeks:

There was a truck in front of us.  It was dark.  Our lights were shining on the back of it.  "Is that truck called a Taco?!"  It was, in fact, a Tacoma.  I literally thought for a brief moment that the truck was actually a Toyota Taco.  Hahaha. 

And another gem:  "It's not rocket scientist!"

Friday, October 12, 2012

I'm Always Hungry

Both of these were me at 8 months pregnant: 

"That garbage smells like mustard.  I want a sandwich."  Followed by lots of laughter and a fart. 


The first thing I said when I woke up one morning:  I want pizza.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Safe Word

Last night we were at our childbirth prep class, and the teacher told us to start thinking about a safe word that I can use in case I want an epidural (which isn't going to happen, by the way).  Nick and I then started repeating all of the safe words from one of our favorite SNL skits.  We both started laughing sooooo hard in class.  I had tears running down my face and my belly was shaking so hard!  I had to do everything I could to stop myself from laughing because the teacher was still talking and everyone was looking at us a little concerned.  Haha.  Here it is.  Enjoy!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Stinky Teeth

Stacey Dee:  My teeth stink.


Stacey Dee:  Aw!  Look at the rhino!

Nick:  That's a triceratops, babe.

Flowers and Things

The following series of photos is how we told Uncle Matt we were pregnant.  Before I took the pictures, I said, "On the count of three, say 'Matty is going to be an uncle!'"  (Click the first picture for larger images.)

 Tulip Fest in Woodburn, Oregon

Christmas 2011

Here are some pics from Christmas in AZ with the fam!  We love our trips to AZ because they are filled with so much love, belly laughs, yummy food, and relaxation.  We always come home feeling so rejuvenated and peaceful.  (Scroll down for descriptions and/or click the top picture for larger images.)

Uncle Nick's first time meeting Miss Journey.  The brothers also wore the same shirt that day!  So cute! 

Best Buds
She sleeps in the funniest positions!
Taking after her Auntie Dee Dee.  Hahaha

Lindsay is amazing!  Everything looked so beautiful!

Christmas love.  Nick let me open a special gift early...a new flash for my camera!!!!

Silas was copying the way Uncle Nick was sitting in this pic!  So sweet.


Journey checking out Baby Jesus
Linds and I were cracking up because we said it looked like she was wearing earrings!


I can't get enough of those rolls!

"One for the cookie, one for me."