Saturday, November 6, 2010

Crystal Ballroom vs. Wonder Ballroom

Last Saturday night, we headed out to the Ingrid Michaelson concert which I was certain was at the Crystal Ballroom.  (If you aren't familiar with her music, she's an acoustic indie artist.)  So we are standing in line waiting to enter the building and notice that we are the only ones not wearing a Halloween costume.  I said to Nick, "Who dresses up to go to an Ingrid Michaelson concert?  That's so lame."  After about ten minutes of standing in line and getting the ol' stare down from other people, Nick says, "Are you sure the concert is here?"  I bust out the tickets with confidence thinking I am going to prove him wrong, and sure enough, the concert was at the Wonder Ballroom.  We looked up at the marquee and saw we were actually at the EROTIC BALL!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Baby Pose

Last night we went to a yoga class, and while doing the Happy Baby Pose, the teacher said, "This pose is also referred to as the 'Changing Your Diaper Pose.'  So just lie there and imagine that you are waiting for someone to change your diaper."  Favorite yoga class evs.