Friday, May 4, 2012

2011 Garden

I'm a little behind on posting pics to Facebook, so I will try to pick up where I left off and post pics on our blog.  Here is our adorable veggie/herb/flower garden from last summer.  I am so incredibly blessed to have married a man who loves to garden.  We picked everything out together, but I can't take credit for how beautiful and bountiful everything turned out!  (Scroll down for descriptions and/or click the top picture for larger images.)


Mexican Sunflower


One of our jalenpenos got YUGE!!! 



Bell peps

Tidy Tips - My favorite


Some creepy hairy flower before blooming

Mint for mojitos!  Although next time we'll plant mint in a pot because it takes over your garden!

Making the most of our tiny back "porch."

These remind me of my favorite Disney movie, Alice in Wonderland.


Lavender!  This plant is right by our front door, so I love that that's what you smell when you first arrive and when you leave.  Even better is the scent of spring rain and lavender. 

I don't know what these cool little whatchamacallits are, but I love them.  I spotted them growing in the cracks of our pavers.



Cuban Oregano.  I love how fuzzy it is.


Seranno peppers

Yum-o salsa Nick made with our beggies!

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