Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Our first baby post!

As you all know by now, we are expecting our sweet little girl on or about November 24th!  Our first ultrasound was last week, and seeing her for the first time was such an incredible experience for both of us!  She showed us all of her tricks!  Nick and most family members and friends knew it was going to be a girl.  I was wrong because I was basing it off of silly wives' tales and the fact that we both have a lot of boys in our families. 

Here are the ultrasound pics of our little lady!

The following day we had our 20-week appointment.  Everything was normal on the ultrasound for our little bird!!!  :)  :)  :)  Praise God!  Baby Mama passed all tests and has gained 12 pounds so far!  I was a little shocked, but our midwife was very pleased with it and said it is a normal weight gain.  Our due date got bumped up slightly to 11/18, however, our midwife still thinks our little turkey will be ready to come out of the oven around 11/24.   

Here is our little pumpkin's heartbeat and my giant blow...


Several of you have been asking how I am feeling and how the pregnancy has been going.  A lot of mamas out there might want to punch me in the face when I say this, but it is has been an amazing pregnancy so far, and I am loving it!  I know, I know, we'll see what I'm saying in the eighth and ninth months, but it really has been wonderful, and I don't have a lot of complaints. 

I had a few weeks of nausea in the first trimester, but it wasn't unbearable.  The food aversions were more difficult to handle in that time than anything.  It made dinner planning really challenging.  Lots of carbs were consumed during that time!  No unusual cravings yet either.  I get tired a lot earlier than normal which was an adjustment for this night owl.  Heartburn is starting, and my love for spicy food doesn't help it one bit.  Other than those few manageable things, I'm good to go! 

Best parts about being pregnant so far:
  • Trying to get pregnant. J 
  • Finding out we were pregnant.
  • Listening to Nick talk to my belly.
  • Feeling our little lady move around.  It makes me smile every time except while I’m in depositions, of course.  That would be awkward.
  • Eating more than normal and not feeling guilty about it AT ALL.
  • Feeling beautiful in a bikini for the first time in my life.
  • Nick’s concern and protection over me.
  • Showing off my belly with tight clothes.
  • Allowing myself to take naps and not feel guilty about it.
  • Hearing the heartbeat. 
  • Seeing our little girl for the first time through the ultrasound. 
  • Being able to blame silly things I say on “pregnancy brain.” Too bad I only have a few months left of that excuse!
  • How kind everyone, including strangers, are to soon-to-be mamas.

Well, that's it for now.  We are still in the process of getting settled in our new home, but we'll try to update the blog as much as possible regarding how the pregnancy is going and just life in general for the Sandovals!  We love you all so much!

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